Meet Mick
There are some incredibly strong people in this world. People who keep solidering through life no matter what life throws at them. Mentally, physically and emotionally they stay clear in their mind about what they want to achieve and why, & they whole heartedly commit themselves to the journey - including all of the hard work along the way. In my eyes, these types of people are heroes.
Writing From Me To You, was the first time in a while where I've had to sit down & truely think, "who inspires me?" and "why do they inspire me?" I've met some amazing people over the years in this industry. People who honestly leave me thinking, "WOW!" Four people in particular stand out in terms of their absolute drive, passion & sincerity. I feel lucky to know these four people and even luckier to be able to learn from them.
From Me To You includes interviews with these four... and you're in for a treat! The first up... surfing legend and the most gracious champion, Mick Fanning.
Mick Fanning was high on my list of people who inspire me. An amazing athlete, a gentle soul and a person who sees the cup as half full, not half empty. Mick uses emotions to fuel the fire in his belly. It's so clear that he believes that everyone should live life to it's fullest and never ever give up because it's simply privilege to be here on earth. Not only does Mick focus on his own dreams, he gives back in enormous and heartfelt ways. He helps those around him & always makes time to be considerate and compassionate.
It was a huge honour when I heard that Mick was keen to take part in my book, so I can't wait for you all to share in his words. I don't want to give away too much just yet but I've leave you with this little exert as it definitely made me stop & think...
When chatting to Mick, I asked him about mental strength & how it keeps it on track. His answer was everything I love - real! He told me it's about finding ... "people who are honest with you and also you can be honest with." I could not agree more!! FMTY covers this theme a little as I think this is a huge part of happiness and growth.
Finding & focusing on people in life who are real is so hugely important. Finding people who you love & respect because they're kind hearted, honest and genuine. These people will add so much colour into your day! They'll make life feel sweet! What more could you want!?
Thank you so much Mick for taking the time to be a part of FMTY. It wouldn't have been the same without you!
Remember guys, to pre-order a signed copy (limited edition!) just click the link below!
Elyse x