How I Stay Eco Friendly
It's so easy to go about your day not noticing the tiny little impacts you have on the environment. The scary thing is that when we combine all of our "tiny little impacts" they turn into monster impacts - harming the air, the ocean & our overall communities. Placing your recycling into the correct bin, taking your own bags to the supermarket, picking up trash when you walk past it on the street or the beach can feel like an insignificant action in the moment - but their significance is huge.
I blogged a few weeks ago about Josh and I making a pact with each other to pick up rubbish wherever we go & whenever we see it. Now we're literally hooked! We notice everything ... it's become addictive which I'm very happy about because I instantly get the guilts if I ignore an issue I have the power to fix. We asked you all to join in the #CleanTheBeachLikeJoshandElyse and we'd still love to encourage you to get on board. If you see rubbish, do the right thing & clean it up! Have a look below at all the filthy stuff we find down by the water. It's disgusting and it reoccurs daily! Just use put some gloves if you're worried about germs - and make sure to give your hands a thorough socking when you get home.
As well as picking up trash, Josh & I have started to adopt as many eco-friendly habits as possible. From swapping plastic bags to material bags when we go to the shops or markets - to using different household products, toothbrushes and even swapping tampon brands. No joke! The beautiful souls at Gift Box Organic (@giftboxorganic) have brought out an amazing sanitary brand for women, with the intention of giving back...
“Gift Box is a social enterprise with a mission to restore dignity to homeless women through the creation of a simple, sustainable one-for-one model: For every box of 100% organic tampons purchased, Gift Box donates one to a woman in need.”
We all know how dreaded that time of the month is, well imagine not being able to afford sanitary products. It's tragic to think that over 1.1 million women live in poverty and struggle to afford sanitary products each month. Can you believe that? Shopping with Organic Gift box when you can, will give you the opportunity to help this situation. And the icing on the cake is that they're made from 100% organic cotton. Win!
Another new favourite of mine in the eco friendly space is my insulated reusable cup. I'd be lost without my cup! I keep my hot water & lemon or apple cider vinegar in here, which stays warm and delicious for hours on end. Investing in a reusable cup is a must! Even when you go to your local cafe for your coffee fix, I'm sure your barista would LOVE to put your coffee in your cup as it will also minimise the cafes use of plastic. Everyone is getting behind the environment. Join the club! Don't worry if you forget it from time-to-time - I do! We're all human, just do the best you can :)
Moving on to some more fun tips. Below you'll also see some cute floral material. You'll neverrrr guess what this is!?!?! It's an eco friendly version of cling wrap made from bees wax!! Actual bees wax!! The way they harvest the bees is highly sustainable & the wraps are washable, reusable and compostable. Pretty bloody cool if I say so myself!
Then there's our new wooden Mable toothbrushes. Scroll down to see. Aside from looking super cute in the bathroom, they're a golden substitute for the envioment. The handle is made from 100% biodegradable bamboo, they're non-toxic and use packaging that is eco friendly & 100% compostable. A truly great product.
In short, you can never do too much to support the environment. Even walking, riding or skating to the shops is a sustainable choice. Less cars on the road = less fumes pumping out into our beautiful and fresh, Australian air.
If you want to start & change your habits day by day, my top tips to get you going are;
- Use your recycling bin properly. Separating your trash takes 2 secs
- Decrease your plastic consumption as much as possible. Ditch plastic bags, use cardboard straws where available or pour your drink into a glass cup, avoid take away foods that come in plastic boxes & fill up your water bottle instead of buying a new one everyday. On the topic of water bottles, there are SO many amazing eco friendly bottles on the market now - a great investment to make.
- The best & biggest tip of all - simply make a bigger effort & think twice. If we ALL make small changes to our day-to-day habits, imagine the difference we could make! Go green peeps!
If you have any tips for me, please comment below!!
Elyse xx